Lottery 101 – How Mega Jackpots Drive Lottery Sales



A lottery is a game of chance or a process in which winners are selected at random. Usually, a lottery is used in situations where there are high demands for something that is limited, such as sports team drafts or the allocation of scarce medical treatment.

Buying Lottery Tickets

Some people believe that purchasing lottery tickets is a low-risk investment that can help them win large sums of money. However, the odds of winning a prize are very small. And even if you win, you might find yourself worse off than before.

The purchase of lottery tickets is not explained by decision models based on expected value maximization, since the cost of a lottery ticket exceeds the expected gain. Yet, these purchases can be accounted for by more general models based on utility functions that account for risk-seeking behavior.

Super-Sized Jackpots Drive Lottery Sales

Mega Millions and Powerball are the two multistate national lotteries that get the most news attention, but there are many other major lotteries in operation. Most of them have a high jackpot, but not all have big ones.

In addition to driving higher jackpots, super-sized jackpots also tend to increase the number of tickets sold and can drive interest in the lottery more broadly, according to psychology expert Harvey Langholtz.

While a large jackpot can attract plenty of publicity, the odds of winning it are very low and you have to be lucky to win it. This may be why some lottery players choose to play with a friend or family member who has not won a prize before.

