Online Gambling Addiction

Online Gambling is a digital activity where real money is bet on games of chance via the Internet or mobile devices. These games can include online casinos, sports betting and state lottery games. The US federal government defines gambling as the putting of something of value “to risk on an event with an uncertain outcome.” Online gambling can involve any type of bet, but is usually limited to monetary wagers.

People who engage in Online Gambling often have financial problems as a result of their addiction. They may spend more than they can afford, chasing losses in an attempt to win back the money lost, and accumulating debt. They may also experience social problems due to their gambling behaviour, such as disrupted relationships or declining work or school performance. People who experience gambling-related problems also often have mental health comorbidities, including mood disorders and depression.

Pathological gambling develops when a person becomes obsessed with the urge to gamble and cannot control their behaviour, even when it causes negative consequences. This can lead to serious issues such as relationship conflicts, work problems, health concerns and family distress. It is estimated that 3% of the population struggle with Online Gambling addiction.

Studies indicate that individuals who are addicted to Online Gambling have higher rates of co-occurring physical and mental health conditions, as well as more frequent relapses. They are also more likely to engage in risk-taking behaviours such as substance misuse, excessive spending, impulsiveness and recklessness.

